Trading 2016-04-19

As I said in my previous post I will start with shorter updates (from my phone) with trades done. Trades will be announced on the same day and trades on close prices.

1. Sell half of my position in Highpower International.

Rational is the risk for a rights issue outweights the upside of the bid from the Chinese company, I still believe in the case, but taking down position size in the portfolio.

2. Use the cash from the sell to enter a position in Avanza Bank.

Rational is this is the most popular online broker in Sweden. The “old” four big banks in Sweden do not take up the race and they are losing out bigtime. When Avanza takes the step to become a more full service bank with mortgage loans and credit cards, they could put a serious dent in the customer base for the big 4 banks. Also the deposit base will be worth somehing when interest rates go above zero again.

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